Some of our neighbors have home repair needs that go unmet, which can be of great concern to them. As some neighbors age, they may find that they are unable to complete the repairs they once could have or that they have crucial repair needs that require a greater skill level.
Through a Group Mission Trips Workcamp that was hosted in Westfield, Indiana in June of 2021, 30 of our neighbors' homes in Westfield, Sheridan, Cicero, Arcadia and Noblesville were repaired at NO COST to the homeowner. Repairs included wheelchair ramps, decks, mobile home skirting installation, and exterior and interior painting.
We hosted another Home Repair Camp in June of 2023 repairing 23 homes in northern Hamilton County, Indiana. 200 people, mostly high schoolers, from nine states spent a week in Westfield serving our neighbors.
CrossRoads Church at Westfield served as the sponsor of these camps.
Our next Home Repair Workcamp is scheduled for June 16-20, 2025.
Need repairs and live in Hamilton County Indiana? Submit an APPLICATION HERE!