Pizza and Punchlines 3 Comedians • 1 Free Event

Saturday •  March 1 • Pizza 6pm  •  Comedy 7pm

You are invited to a free night of family-friendly comedy showcasing three outstanding nationally-known comedians that will leave you laughing well beyond the time that we spend together. Bring your family and friends and maybe even that person that is hard to get along with and see what a night of laughing together can do for your relationship. 

PIZZA AND PUNCHLINES is part of FOR OUR NEIGHBOR, a strategic initiative of CrossRoads Church at Westfield to meet, know, enjoy, and serve our local neighbors.  When we are spending time together we realize that there is far more that we have in common than the apparent issues that divide us. So come let us laugh together and enjoy one another!

Held at Westfield High School • 18250 N Union Street • Westfield IN 46074 • Enter Door 44

Westfield High School is located 1/2 mile north of the center of Westfield.

Free Pizza is available starting at 6pm. Comedy starts at 7 pm.

Parking is free and handicapped parking is available.

As you approach the venue, look for the comedy directional signs. 

The show will last about 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Derrick Tennant From Coma to Comedy

Derrick Michael Tennant made the most of a tragedy in his life by creating an opportunity for a career. As a promising athlete, Derrick was progressing in his dream for a career in sports when one evening he laid down but did not wake up for three days.

He had undergone what doctors would later term random bleeding from point x for an unknown reason. Paralyzed and in a coma, Derrick underwent brain surgery from which he became unable to move his left side. It would take years of therapy to re-learn the basics like walking, talking and simple daily tasks. Derrick is still unable to use his left arm and he walks with a limp, but he has learned a lot through this process.

Derrick credits one thing for his ability to make it through this process not only alive, but also learning and growing: LOVE. Receiving love from his family, his friends, and his God combined with learning to better demonstrate love in the midst of difficulty were essential to Derricks survival and vitality. After brain surgery, years of rehab and life in a wheelchair; he ultimately got on his feet again. Despite the very limited use of his left side, Derrick loves life and “looks on the RIGHT side” of things. He communicates the importance of shifting obstacles in life, work or business into opportunities.

He worked hard to overcome physical challenges and now works just as hard to help others overcome trials through his comedy, magic and inspirational speaking. Derrick formed BLEEPFREE Comedy where you can catch respectably clean shows in clubs across the country. He also landed a role in the upcoming Jeff Foxworthy movie “Crackerjack”. He plays a one armed softball player named Lefty. 

From SUBWAY, AFLAC, CHICK-FIL-A, SOUTHERN COMPANY to MEDIACOM and the ATLANTIS in the Bahamas Derrick brings the funny even in a tie! When it comes to Corporate entertainment it’s important to find an act than can both makes you laugh, and effectively communicates a powerful message. Having overcome a lot in his life, Derrick is just that act. Bringing his message of turning “Obstacles Into Opportunities”. Derrick inspires, motivates and energizes his audience and keeps them smiling all along.

Check out Derrick at: Derrick Tennant

Brynn Cummings • Brilliant, Captivating, A Real Star

Brynn Cummings, a talented 13-year-old, has been enchanting audiences with her comedy and ventriloquism since the age of 8. Her exceptional abilities have propelled her to great heights in the world of performance arts. 

Her extraordinary talents have not gone unnoticed, as Brynn was invited to deliver a captivating TedTalk and showcased her skills on the esteemed Penn and Teller: Try This At Home Too television program. Most recently, Brynn competed on America’s Got Talent, where she placed in the Top 5 on the live Semi Final episode. With a bright future ahead, Brynn Cummings continues to inspire and captivate audiences with her mesmerizing performances, leaving an unforgettable mark on the world of comedy and ventriloquism. 

Check more about Brynn here at: Brynn Cummings

A Comfortable Place for FUN!

Westfield High School Auditorium is a great, comfortable, and safe space to meet your neighbors, relax after a crazy week, and enjoy of night of laughing about the joys and difficulties of life. 

Pizza and water will be provided free for you before we share the night together in the auditorium! [There is no food allowed in the auditorium!] 

Chad Thornsberry •  Smart Comedy with a Dumb Accent...

Comedian Chad Thornsberry has an instant likeability the second he steps behind a microphone. Chad’s slow paced, conversational style is the perfect backdrop for his hilarious observations.

Drawing on experiences ranging from growing up in a trailer park, being a former public school teacher, marriage, kids, and all of life’s everyday problems, Chad’s own unique view of life has him quickly becoming one of the most sought after clean comedians today.

A contrast to the high energy, in your face comedians that are prevalent today, Chad’s slow paced, conversational style immediately puts audiences at ease.

Credits: Travel Channel, BET, ESPN (joke writer), NFL Network (joke writer), DryBar Comedy

Past Corporate Engagements: Godfather’s Pizza, Dollar General, HyVee, McClane Trucking, Missouri Agribusiness Association, South Dakota Soybean Association, Clint Bowyer Foundation, Ohio Medical Research Benefit, ROC Housing Management

Learn more about Chad Thornsberry here: Comedian Chad


God is very clear about what is most important. Love God and love our neighbors. 

CrossRoads Church at Westfield seeks to do this in our local community in four very distinct and strategic ways. We are thankful for you our neighbor and look forward to sharing life together with you.

INITIATIVE ONE: Provide free athletic shoes, backpacks, and food for students at Washington Woods Elementary School.  

INITIATIVE TWO: Provide three BIG free events for our community including our February Pizza and Punchlines, our Fall Fest and Premier Chili-Cook-Off, and our June Popcorn and Punchlines.


Making Jesus Real

INITIATIVE THREE: Provide for the needs of our neighbors including Free Pet Food, Celebrate Recovery, Westfield Kids' Coats, a 24/7 Food Pantry on our campus, Together Today [A Tuesday gathering for senior adults of games and food, Free Zumba, Operation Christmas Child, and Free Clothing for Circle City Relief.


INITIATIVE FOUR: Provide free home repairs for senior adults and veterans so they can remain in their homes.

If you have needs, then maybe one of our initiatives will make your life better. 

Or… if you would like to be a part of making your neighbors’ lives better and you see something here that piques your interest and matches your skills and passion, we invite you to be a part of seeking to be sensitive to the people who happen to be our neighbors.

If you find something of interest here, we would love for you to jump in. Check out the rest of our website ForOurNeighbor.Life, send us an email at THIS LINK or at, give us a call at 317-896-7000, or visit us on a Sunday for our worship (@ 10 am), 19201 Grassy Branch Road, Westfield IN 46074.